In the earliest of those studies, published in 2008 in the journal Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, researchers asked 33 adults to rest under 30-lb. Below, we’ll dive into the benefits of weighted blankets, how they work, and what health conditions they Mattress brand Simba also has its own weighted blanket, which performed best overall in our tests. Weighted blankets, sometimes referred to as gravity blankets, were once a tool of therapists and psychiatry clinics. Updated October 27, 2020. When a person lacks the needed duration and quality of sleep, it can … Dr. Daniel Barone, the associate medical director of the Center for Sleep Medicine and an assistant attending neurologist at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, says that when it comes to helping people sleep and overcome insomnia, his philosophy is: “If it doesn’t hurt but may help, it’s worth a shot.” can help you relax and de-stress. Sometimes they are recommended for those with ADHD. 2011;65(2):89-94. doi:10.3109/08039488.2010.501868, Ekholm B, Spulber S, Adler M. A randomized controlled study of weighted chain blankets for insomnia in psychiatric disorders. We dive into what the research says and what kind of benefits an adult can expect from using a weighted blanket. A weighted blanket may not work for everyone, because everyone is different. Helps you fall asleep faster — Most people know what it’s like to toss and turn at night just waiting to fall asleep. Martta Kelly has been writing about a variety of health and wellness topics for more than a decade. There have been at least two reports of deaths in children due to weighted blankets, one in a 7-month-old baby and one in a 9-year-old boy who had autism. Parents should consult their pediatrician before using a weighted blanket for children of any age. Weighted blankets—avoid a tragic mistake. Since weighted blankets are so popular, you can find one to suit basically any of your preferences. The benefits of a cooling weighted blanket are many, and some of them, somewhat surprising ones. One of the primary uses of a weighted blanket is for the treatment of anxiety. Pressure from the blanket may trigger nervous system responses that lower your heart rate and breathing when … Over time, however, elevated cortisol levels in response to non-threatening situations can have a negative impact on a person's physical and mental health, leading to anxiety and depression.. The basic premise behind weighted blanket benefits is the power of deep pressure touch stimulation. Buying a weighted blanket for adults has the potential to up your sleep game and more. Weighted vests and weighted lap pads are other forms of heavy attire that offer benefits similar to weighted blanket benefits. The weight varies based on who the intended user is and size of the blanket. Weighted blankets help to calm and reduce anxiety. As a general rule, a weighted blanket should be 10% of an adult person’s body weight, according to most manufacturers’ websites. Weighted blankets may offer many benefits to the user. They found that 33 percent showed a greater drop in skin conductance — a measure of arousal that is based on miniscule differences in the amount of sweat on the skin — with a weighted blanket t… Weighted Blanket Benefits: A weighted blanket, or gravity blanket, is one of the tools that psychiatry and therapy clinics use for their patients. Individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can experience some alleviation of stress with the DTP of the weighted blanket. 5 Benefits of Weighted Blankets. doi:10.5014/ajot.2020.037358, Gringras P, Green D, Wright B, et al. As with children with ASD, many children with ADHD have sleep disturbances, such as trouble falling asleep and waking up several times throughout the night. Here are the benefits of using a weighted blanket: Reduces stress and anxiety. something you feel on your skin). A good night’s sleep can be elusive at times. I got to turn the heat down low and pile the blankets on and be super cozy. The blanket is available in 15- and 20-pound weights, so it will be best suited to adults who weigh 150 to 200 pounds. FYI: You might be wondering if weighted blankets are safe. With over 50 fabrics to choose from, 8 sizes, and the ability to make almost any custom size, it … Research indicates the potential positive effects of weighted blanket use for reducing anxiety, lowering physiological indicators of stress (blood pressure, pulse rate), positive calming effects, and impacts on sleep time and behavior. Learn to know the benefits of weighted blankets. Known by various names, it is commonly referred to as deep pressure stimulation (DPS). When shopping for a weighted blanket, these are the different variables you can look for: Size: While some weighted blankets only come in one size, many are available in various sizes (our budget pick is available in six different sizes). 1 – Weighted blankets help kids (& adults) with anxiety or stress. Weighted blankets typically need to be at least 10 percent of an individual’s body weight, plus one to two pounds. Pappas S. Even grown-ups need security blankets. In addition, a weighted blanket may also be unsuitable for those people who are claustrophobic, as it may cause anxiety rather than ease it. Weighted blankets for adults have been recommended due to a variety of purported benefits. Weighted blankets are used by Occupational Therapists to help calm or comfort restless or stressed individuals. These difficulties can make ordinary situations overwhelming, can interfere with daily living, and even isolate individuals and their families. This helps trigger the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, which are feel-good hormones produced in the brain that help combat stress, anxiety, and depression. Overview of Assistive Technology for Autism. Benefits Of Weighted Blankets Although the potential benefits of weighted blankets have not been studied extensively, there have been several claims of promising results. However, the potential A rule of thumb to follow when selecting a weighted blanket is that it should be at least 10% of their body weight with 1 – 2 lbs. Weighted blanket benefits True to the name, these are heavy blankets (usually from 10 to 25 pounds total) filled with pellets that help distribute weight evenly across your body while you sleep. Don’t want to pop a sleeping pill? Other guidelines include:, Young children should never be left unsupervised with a weighted blanket, particularly those made for an adult.. can help you relax and de-stress. 2020;16(9):1567-1577. doi:10.5664/jcsm.8636. ChildrensMD. If you feel that buying a weighted blanket for you is the right solution, here are some of the benefits you’ll experience, especially if it’s the right one & bought keeping all the guidelines in view. This could trigger feelings of anxiousness, thus negating all the benefits a weighted blanket is supposed to provide. Many have stated that using a weighted blanket has helped them deal with sleep or regular anxiety, sensory problems, stress, etc. Rely on a Natural Sleep Aid. We also take a look at what size weighted blanket you should get and how to choose the right one. So, a 150-pound person would need a weighted blanket that is between 15-18 pounds. 2014;134(2):298-306. doi:10.1542/peds.2013-4285, Hvolby A, Bilenberg N. Use of ball blanket in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder sleeping problems. Weighted Blanket Fabrics Affiliate Disclosure is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other sources. Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved, Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. In … She says the pressure of weighted blankets and deep touch pressure in general is a pretty universally calming sensation. When the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, it releases endorphins, the “happy hormones’” that instill feelings of calm. It looks and feels high quality, while the 6.8kg blanket was just the right weight for our testers. The benefits of weighted blankets go beyond helping you get a good night's sleep. 2004;10(5):767-776. doi:10.1089/acm.2004.10.767. Benefits of Buying Weighted Blankets for Your Kids. By providing deep pressure touch, weighted blankets can promote relaxation and help break this cycle. Anxiety. In replicating DPS, a weighted blanket creates a similar sort of effect, akin to being cocooned in your favorite duvet on a cold winter night, knowing you are protected from the outside world.. If you're seeking relief from a medical condition, talk to a doctor first, and before getting a weighted blanket for your child, be sure to check with their pediatrician. In one study using a non-clinical community sample of 80 participants, researchers found that people who reported intense attachments to objects were significantly more likely to meet the criteria for borderline personality disorder than those who did not; they also reported more childhood trauma.. Nord J Psychiatry. asleep at night often find that using weighted blankets helps improve their sleep. Vests, lap pads, shoulder pads, blankets and animal shapes are all readily available for purchase. Magic Weighted Blanket is the World's First Weighted Blanket! October 10, 2010, Passman RH, Halonen JS. Hi, my name is Larry! The first thing to consider is that are very beneficial if you … Learn more. We've talked in the past about what such a blanket is and even looked at some of our favorite models, such as the chiliBlanket. The heavy blanket could cover a child’s face while they sleep. While research on weighted blankets is sparse, deep pressure stimulation has been found to calm adults and children with anxiety, autism, and attention difficulties, researchers say. added to account for weight loss or gain over the useful life of the blanket. Although more studies are needed, research has been conducted on the use of weighted blankets to treat the following conditions: Some studies show that the use of weighted blankets may help reduce nighttime levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that can contribute to anxiety. Cortisol is best known for producing the “fight or flight” response, a reaction that evolved as a means of survival, enabling people to react to what could be a life-threatening situation. But A 2004 report that surveyed occupational therapists on their experience using weighted vests found that: “Although the interviewees observed some different behavioral changes in children with various developmental disorders when these children used weighted vests, their practice patterns in using the vests were … Three years ago I started making weighted blankets … Although there have been studies on the benefits of massage therapy for osteoarthritis and chronic pain, there is currently no evidence that weighted blankets are effective in the treatment of these conditions. Weighted blankets make it easier to relax so that you can get the rest you need. Weighted blankets and sleep in autistic children--A randomized controlled trial. Understanding the stress response. The Good Housekeeping Institute's e… weight gain. Exploring the safety and therapeutic effects of deep pressure stimulation using a weighted blanket. Furthermore, the effect of this additional stimuli is a sense of calmness and security, like when you’re hugging someone. Therefore it is unlikely that intermittent use of a weighted blanket at night These blankets come in different sizes and weights, and can be used by kids and adults to increase a sense of calm in their daily lives. J Genet Psychol. Insomnia is a sleeping disorder classified by difficulty falling and staying asleep. Do weighted blankets work for adults? Even if you don't have an anxietydisorder, occupational therapists say you'll probably still notice that you feel good under a weighted blanket. Used by occupational therapists for years, weighted blankets provide a deep pressure touch that’s similar in nature to a gentle massage. Weighted Blanket Benefits You Need to Know Although the heavy weighted blanket has been around for years, it is only lately that people see its non-medicinal, potential value when it comes to improving their sleep. Weighted Blankets and Deep Touch Therapy for Autism, 4 Ways to Cope With COVID-19 When Living With ADHD, A Hearing Test May Help Detect Autism Risk in Newborns, 10 Products to Help Reduce Anxiety Right Now, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Insomnia in children with autism spectrum disorder, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), A developmental survey of young children's attachments to inanimate objects, Adult attachment to transitional objects and borderline personality disorder, The psychology behind weighted blankets: Why and how they work, Positive effects of a weighted blanket on insomnia, An intervention for sensory difficulties in children with autism: a randomized trial, The biologic effects of ground the human body during sleep as measured by cortisol levels and subjective reporting of sleep, pain, and stress, Exploring the safety and therapeutic effects of deep pressure stimulation using a weighted blanket, Effect of deep pressure input on parasympathetic system in patients with wisdom tooth surgery, Parasympathetic effect of deep pressure input on third molar extraction in adolescents, Weighted blanket use: A systematic review, Weighted blankets and sleep in autistic children--A randomized controlled trial, Use of ball blanket in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder sleeping problems, A randomized controlled study of weighted chain blankets for insomnia in psychiatric disorders, SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths: Evidence base for 2016 updated recommendations for a safe infant sleeping environment, Anxiety during certain medical procedures. Learn how gravity blankets can aid anxiety and promote total well being. 2008;24(1):65-89. doi:10.1300/j004v24n01_05, Chen H-Y, Tang H, Meng L-F, Chan P-Y S, Yang C-Y, Chen H-M. Effect of deep pressure input on parasympathetic system in patients with wisdom tooth surgery. Most weighted blankets just have machine-washable covers (not inserts), so you don't have to worry about breaking your washing machine by throwing an entire 15-pound blanket in it. Thanks to their added weight, they offer tons of benefits which makes them the ultimate sleeping tool for everyone. The weighted blanket works by what is called “pressure therapy.” First, the blanket exerts pressure on the user’s body. 2016;115(10):853-859. doi:10.1016/j.jfma.2016.07.008, Chen H-Y, Tang H, Chi H-J, Chen H-M. Parasympathetic effect of deep pressure input on third molar extraction in adolescents. Then, the user’s brain, sensing this pressure, secrete serotonin. Harvard Health. Beyond mental health benefits, the weighted blankets have primarily come under the spotlight because of how much they can also benefit people with sleep problems. Weighted Blanket Health Benefits From aches to allergies, many ailments can keep you up at night. Weighted blankets can also alleviate the symptoms in people suffering from chronic pain conditions and insomnia. Weighted blankets may help adults and children with sensory processing disorder feel calmer and more relaxed. Persons with this disorder have difficulty processing sensory information such as textures, sounds, smells, tastes, brightness, and movement. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. Weighted blankets are commonly recommended for individuals with autism. Most research on weighted blankets and insomnia has focused on their use in children with clinical disorders, such as ASD, as discussed below. Read our, Medically reviewed by Jonathan B. Jassey, DO, Verywell Health uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. With that said, many have found comfort and respite from anxiety and other disorders by using a weighted blanket. Many adults associate snuggling under a comfy blanket with a sense of security, which harkens back to “security blankets” that they may have had as a child. Even older children with developmental disabilities or delays may be at risk of suffocation. Weighted blankets, also known as gravity blankets, have been used for years by mental health professionals as a form of pressure therapy. However, weighted blankets Weighted blankets utilize You’re not alone! DPS, offered by trained practitioners who apply light pressure to certain parts of the body, stimulates what is known as the parasympathetic nervous system. For a 30- to 130-pound child, a medium-weighted blanket should weigh from 5 to 15 pounds. Weighted blankets, however, should not be used for toddlers under age 2, as it may pose a suffocation risk. Sachs recommends making sure your weighted blanket doesn't hang off your bed, so the extra weight doesn't pull it off of your body. "This blanket feels like you're receiving the most comforting hug without feeling constrained and hot," one Amazon reviewer wrote about the YnM weighted blanket. Raise Serotonin and Calm Down Using a weighted blanket can lower your stress levels and improve your ability to relax. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no blankets of any kind be used for sleeping infants as they carry a risk of sudden infant death syndrome.. Pediatrics. Can’t sleep? Be it from the lack of warmth that one typical blanket offers or the relaxing weight that several provide. While there is no conclusive evidence that weighted blankets are effective for the treatment of any health condition, they are popular with many people due to the comfort they provide. J Formos Med Assoc. But the average person can also benefit from a weighted blanket on their bed — here's how. That's why weighted blankets have been used by occupational therapists for far longer than most realize. J Formos Med Assoc. FYI: You might be wondering if weighted blankets are safe. 2015;2(3):1022. This is the primary benefit of weighted blankets and one that many people have […] If you had a long day at work or you're just feeling anxious in general, then cuddling up on the couch with a weighted blanket (while watching Netflix!) 2020;74(2):7402205010p1-7402205010p14. What do sleep experts think about weighted blanket benefits? Mosaic Weighted Blankets. Impeccably soft & filled with small beads or beans, these blankets create a soothing pressure on the body. If your budget has some more wiggle room, you could splurge on a custom weighted blanket from SensaCalm or the influencer-favorite BlanQuil. Weighted blankets are also used to help autistic people sleep better because a common symptom are sleep and anxiety issues . Like most new things, resting under weight can take a little getting used to, but the right weighted blanket should condition your mind and body to a new, better way of sleeping in no time. Researchers found that weighted chain blankets are an effective and safe intervention for insomnia in patients with ADHD and other psychiatric disorders.. J Sleep Med Disord. Updated July 6, 2020. Good Housekeeping participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Here are five benefits weighted blankets provide: 1. Benefits of Weighted Blankets Insomnia One of the most significant ways calming blankets improve overall quality of life and promote wellness is by decreasing the symptoms and effects of insomnia. "Deep touch pressure is one of the primary kinds of sensory information that is calming and organizing to our sensory nervous system," says Teresa May-Benson, occupational therapist and executive director of the Spiral Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to research and education on sensory integration. Further research on the benefits of weighted blankets is needed in all of these therapeutic areas. Amazon's Choice, the YnM weighted blanket, is just $65 for a 15-pound blanket. 30 Best Songs to Rock Out to This New Year’s Eve, What Our Senior Home Editor Wants Right Now, 30 Movies to Watch at Home on New Year's Eve, 11 Best Weighted Blankets to Help You Calm Down, This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses.