The reformed Charter of 1830 limited the power of the king—stripping him of his ability to propose and decree legislation, as well as limiting his executive authority. Dans ce but ils limitent fortement la liberté de la presse par les lois de 1835. A few days later, on 10 June Louis-Philippe inaugurated the château de Versailles, the restoration of which, begun in 1833, was intended to establish a Museum of the History of France, dedicated to "all the glories of France". Pour eux, il n'est pas question de céder aux revendications d'une grande partie des émeutiers (le rétablissement du suffrage universel, voire la procl… Postponed to 22 February, this banquet would provoke the February 1848 Revolution. 2me édition. Such a Chamber carried the risk of the formation of a heterogeneous coalition against the government. Nov. 21, 2020. As in the first Soult government, the new cabinet rested on the triumvirate of Broglie (Foreign affairs), Guizot (Public instruction), and Thiers (Interior). As the head of state, he also wanted to be able to lead the government, if need be by bypassing the President of the Council. In a circular addressed to the high civil servants and military officers, the new President of the Council, Soult, stated that he would explicitly follow the policies of Perier ("order at home", "peace abroad") and denounced both the Legitimist right-wing opposition and the Republican left-wing opposition. En novembre 1830, le roi confie la direction du gouvernement à Jacques Laffitte (chef du parti du Mouvement). Ces journées révolutionnaires, qui aboutirent à la suppression du droit naturel pour la succession du roi, décrétèrent que la population « confèrerait » la souveraineté. Thureau-Dangin, Paul: Published by Paris, Plon, Nourrit et Cie., 1888-92., 1888. On 14 March 1831, on the initiative of a patriotic society created by the mayor of Metz, Jean-Baptiste Bouchotte, the opposition's press launched a campaign to gather funds to create a national association aimed at struggling against any Bourbon Restoration and the risks of foreign invasion. On 1 December 1834, Mortier's government decided to submit a motion of confidence to the Parliament, obtaining a clear majority (184 votes to 117). However, during the first few years of his reign, Louis-Philippe was taking action to develop legitimate, broad-based reform. Since the right of association was strictly restricted, and public meetings prohibited after 1835, the Opposition was paralyzed. "America and French Romanticism During the July Monarchy. En février 1831, à Paris, la révélation de la tenue d'une messe légitimiste en souvenir du duc de Berry assassiné en 1820, déclenche le pillage de l'église Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois et de l'Archevêché. Gérard's resignation opened up a four-month ministerial crisis, until Louis-Philippe finally assembled a government entirely from the Tiers-Parti. Against their hopes, the trial finally turned to the Republicans' disadvantage, by giving them a radical image which reminded the public opinion of the excesses of Jacobinism and frightened the bourgeois. The 2 March 1839 elections were a disappointment for the king, who lost two loyal deputies, while the coalition mustered 240 members, against only 199 for the government. Confronted with the Doctrinaires' refusal, he then tried to form a center-left cabinet, which also foundered upon Thiers's intransigence concerning Spanish affairs. Two days later, the first cabinet was formed, gathering the Constitutionalist opposition to Charles X, including Casimir Perier, the banker Jacques Laffitte, Count Molé, the duke of Broglie, François Guizot, etc. Perier, a banker, was instrumental in shutting down many of the Republican secret societies and labor unions that had formed during the early years of the regime. Les hommes politiques qui ont installé Louis-Philippe sur le trône étaient d'accord pour s'opposer à la politique réactionnaire du roi Charles X. Mais ils se divisent sur l'avenir. Le roi fait appel au duc de Broglie, à Thiers et à Guizot, autres chefs du parti de la Résistance. This vote demonstrated that the coalition had imploded, and that a right-wing majority could be formed to oppose any left-wing initiative. According to the 20th-century historian and philosopher Michel Foucault, the cholera outbreak was first fought by what he called "social medicine", which focused on flux, circulation of air, location of cemeteries, etc. Il abdique en faveur du comte de Paris son petit-fils, puis prend le chemin de l'exil en Angleterre. Thus, though the July Monarchy seemed to move toward reform, this movement was largely illusory. Although Louis-Philippe strongly disagreed with the banker Laffitte and secretly pledged to the duke of Broglie that he would not support him at all, the new President of the Council was tricked into trusting his king. On lui réserve le service dans la Garde nationale, puisqu'il faut payer son uniforme. On 18 November 1834, Louis-Philippe called Marshal Mortier, duke of Trévise, to the Presidency, and the latter formed exactly the same government as Bassano. Le gouvernement peut alors créer les pairs qu'il veut pour récompenser ses plus fidèles soutiens. However, his tone was judged insulting by the deputies, and one of them, the banker Alexandre Goüin, immediately proposed a draft law concerning bonds himself. About 20 Legitimists had been elected, and 30 Republicans. Download PDF. Louis-Philippe thus separated the center-right from the center-left, strategically attempting to dissolve the Tiers-Parti, a dangerous game since this could also lead to the dissolving of the parliamentary majority itself and create endless ministerial crises. Newman, Edgar Leon, and Robert Lawrence Simpson. By 1848, a year in which many European states had a revolution, the king's popularity had collapsed, and he was overthrown. The new Charter was a compromise between the Doctrinaires opposition to Charles X and the Republicans. ", This page was last edited on 23 December 2020, at 19:57. Par contre une autre tendance pense que le régime mis en place en 1830, est le meilleur pour défendre les intérêts de la bourgeoisie et qu'il faut rechercher la paix à l'intérieur, y compris en usant de la force contre les tentatives républicaines et ouvrières. These changes had seen power shift from the noble landowners to the urban merchants. A coalition, including Guizot, Thiers, Prosper Duvergier de Hauranne and Hippolyte Passy, had formed during summer, but it did not prevent the vote of a favorable address to the King (221 votes against 208). Bien plus dangereuses encore pour le régime bourgeois sont les émeutes ouvrières provoquées par des conditions de vie, de travail et de salaire très difficiles. This policy included protective tariffs that defended the status quo and enriched French businessmen. "We do not kill insane people, all right! Mais en 1839, les partisans de Molé sont battus aux élections législatives. Le roi lui-même est menacé et est la cible de nombreux attentats comme celui de Fieschi en juillet 1835 qui fait 18 morts et 23 blessés. Monarchie de Juillet, enseigne de Notaire en cuivre estampé, figurant les armoiries royales à la Charte de 1830 couronnées sur un faisceau de drapeaux, signée Hameling graveur, passage du Saumon à Paris (repeint, petits trous).
41 x 33 cm
France, 1831-1848. Louis-Philippe firmly reacted to this threat, and prohibited the final banquet, which was to be held on 14 January 1848. This new defeat of the king sealed Laffitte's fate. La Monarchie de Juillet est mise en place le 9 août 1830 après les journées révolutionnaires des 27, 28 et 29 juillet 1830 appelées aussi Trois Glorieuses. The commemoration turned into a political demonstration in favor of the count of Chambord, Legitimist pretender to the throne. Thiers obtained an easy majority during the debate on the secret funds in March 1840 (246 votes to 160). On the other hand, the draft proposal on government bonds was easily postponed by the deputies on 22 March 1836, another sign that it had been only a pretext. Local committees were created all over France, leading the new president of the Council, Casimir Perier, to issue a circular prohibiting civil servants from membership of this association, which he accused of challenging the state itself by implicitly accusing it of not fulfilling its proper duties. On the one hand, Louis-Philippe wanted to be able to follow his own policy, in particular in "reserved domains" such as military affairs or diplomacy. La monarchie de Juillet correspond au règne de Louis-Philippe I er, de 1830 à 1848.C’est la période qui suit la Restauration et qui se termine par l’instauration de la Deuxième République. Be the first to write a review. The Tiers-Parti had only about 15 deputies, and 30 more were undecided. « Monarchie de Juillet » expliqué aux enfants par Vikidia, l’encyclopédie junior, La bourgeoisie française accapare le pouvoir, Parti de la résistance et parti du mouvement, Gouvernement Provisoire de la République Française, premiers colons d'origine européenne s'installent dans ce territoire, L'impôt que l'on doit payer pour ses biens, ouvrir et entretenir une école primaire de garçons, loi qui réglemente le travail des enfants,, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0. As Thiers had previously supported this proposition, he was acutely criticized by the Left. Cependant de 1830 à 1840, il y aura quinze ministères. Republicans within the cabinet, such as the banker Dupont, were all but excluded by Perier and his conservative clique. The Peers finally convicted only 164 detainees on the 2,000 prisoners, of whom 43 were judged in absentia. After Thiers the conservative Guizot was selected as premier. Perier was succeeded as premier by Count Molé, another conservative. Family celebrations and banquets also served as pretexts for gatherings. [4] The Minister of the Interior, Guizot, re-appointed the entire prefectoral administration and the mayors of large cities. Guizot refuse constamment un abaissement du cens électoral qui rendrait électeurs et éligibles un plus grand nombre de bourgeois. Create your website today. In order to stabilize the economy and finally secure public order, in the autumn of 1830 the government had the Assembly vote a credit of 5 million francs to subsidize public works, mostly roads. Popular choices include Framed Prints, Canvas Prints, Posters and Jigsaw Puzzles. Document pédagogique : Les monarchies constitutionnelles (Restauration et Monarchie de Juillet) Guillaume BERNARD. [citation needed] But, this number still represented only roughly one percent of population and a small number of those men of eligible age. The latter immediately decided, on 16 August 1834, to prorogue Parliament until the end of the year. In a gesture of appeasement, Louis-Philippe canceled his feast-day celebration on 1 May, and publicly announced that the sums that were to have been used for these festivities would be dedicated to the orphans, widows and injured. After a meeting with the king, Laffitte submitted to the Council of Ministers a belligerent program, and was subsequently disavowed, forcing him to resign. As early as January 1838, the government was under great pressure, in particular from Charles Gauguier, over deputies who were also civil servants. Thereafter, on 24 January 1837, the Minister of War, General Simon Bernard, proposed a draft law – loi de disjonction – aimed, in case of insurrection, at separating civilians, who would be judged by the Cour d'assises, and non-civilians, who would be judged by a war council. In the beginning of April 1831, the government took some unpopular measures, forcing several important personalities to resign: Odilon Barrot was dismissed from the Council of State, General Lamarque's military command suppressed, Bouchotte and the Marquis de Laborde forced to resign. The banker Perier established the new government's principles on 18 March 1831: ministerial solidarity and the authority of the government over the administration: "the principle of the July Revolution... is not insurrection... it is resistance to the aggression the power"[7] and, internationally, "a pacific attitude and the respect of the non-intervention principle." A rise in the price of wheat, the dietary staple of the common people, provoked a food shortage, while purchasing power decreased. The general election of 1831 took place without incident, according to the new electoral law of 19 April 1831. Mais dans la soirée des manifestants sont tués par des soldats. Putnam - Questions to be asked during thesis defense cost, eucalyptus dissertation. There, in the name of the municipal council, the mayor made a very political speech in which he expressed the wish to have peerages abolished, adding that France should intervene in Poland to assist the November Uprising against Russia. Image created for the Blazon Project of the French Wikipedia. The July Monarchy (1830–1848) is generally seen as a period during which the haute bourgeoisie was dominant, and marked the shift from the counter-revolutionary Legitimists to the Orleanists. Le 24 au matin Paris est soulevé contre le gouvernement. The Fieschi attentat of July 1835, which took place on Paris during a review of the National Guard by Louis-Philippe for the commemorations of the July Revolution, further scared the notables. Louis-Philippe pledged his oath to the 1830 Charter on 9 August setting up the beginnings of the July Monarchy. The threat was more serious in Grenoble and especially in Saint-Étienne on 11 April but finally public order was restored. Introduction to Law and Legal Skills J. Barnard-Naude, L.J. On 12 July 1835, some of them, including the main leaders of the Parisian insurrection, escaped from the Prison of Sainte-Pélagie through a tunnel. Several laws also established steamship lines, operated by companies operating state-subsidised concessions. This led to the Minister of Justice Dupont de l'Eure's resignation. Elles ont suivi la publication des quatre ordonnances préparées et signées par Charles X. Ces quatre règlements suppriment … To express their support for the monarchy, both Chambers gathered in the Palace of the Tuileries on 14 April. La monarchie de Juillet tire son nom de l'émeute qui se transforma en révolution, les 27, 28 et 29 juillet 1830 (les Trois Glorieuses). Pour tenter de gagner le soutien des milieux catholiques jusque-là peu favorables à la Monarchie de Juillet, il essaie sans succès de permettre la création d'universités libres (sous le contrôle de l'Église catholique). Louis-Philippe decided in the château de Saint-Cloud, on 31 May 1831, to dissolve the Chamber of Deputies, fixing legislative elections for 5 July 1831. Therefore, the king and Molé decided, against the duc d'Orléans's advice, that the moment was auspicious for the dissolving of the Chamber, which was done on 3 October 1837. During the electoral campaign, the left-wing opposition denounced what they termed a constitutional coup, comparing the 1837 and 1839 dissolutions to the consecutive dissolutions of Charles X in 1830. Constitutional Law in Context D. Brand, C. Gevers. Louis-Philippe thereafter turned towards Odilon Barrot, who refused to assume governmental responsibilities, pointing out that he had only a hundred deputies in the Chamber. En 1842, pour satisfaire les milieux bancaires et les industriels de la sidérurgie, Guizot fait voter une loi qui organise la construction d'un réseau de chemins de fer en étoile autour de Paris. Licensing . Gratitude in the workplace: How gratitude can improve your well-being and relationships Where there had been 178 in the preceding Chamber, there were now 191. The Republicans then gathered themselves in popular clubs, in the tradition established by the 1789 Revolution. The new Minister of Interior, Adolphe Thiers, had his first success on 7 November 1832 with the arrest in Nantes of the rebellious duchess of Berry, who was detained in the citadel of Blaye. The only social law of the July Monarchy was to outlaw, in 1841, labor of children under eight years of age, and night labor for those of less than 13 years. Son échec en politique étrangère à propos de l'Égypte, l'oblige, en octobre 1840, à céder le pouvoir à Guizot. Though two factions always persisted in the cabinet, split between liberal conservatives such as Guizot (le parti de la Résistance, the Party of Resistance) and liberal reformers such as the journalist Adolphe Thiers (le parti du Mouvement, the Party of Movement), the latter never gained prominence.