because the days are evil--The days of life in general are so exposed to evil, as to make it necessary to make the most of the seasonable opportunity so long as it lasts ( Ephesians 6:13 , Genesis 47:9 , Psalms 49:5 , Ecclesiastes 11:2 , 12:1 , John 12:35 ). ", 12. The p rocess of stimulated recall further facilitated self-observation as a tool for reflection [34 ], [35] and, thus, In natural marriage, husband and wife combine the elements of one perfect human being: the one being incomplete without the other. L’église «est soumise au Christ» selon le plan divin; elle a été très insoumise dans sa conduite effective. L’Esprit de Dieu est saint. Translate, "Because we are members of His body (His literal body), being OF His flesh and of His bones" [ALFORD] ( Genesis 2:23 Genesis 2:24 ). La loi demandait aux hommes d’être ce qu’ils n’étaient pas. N’en parlons donc pas. So Christ, as God-man, is pleased to make the Church, the body, a necessary adjunct to Himself, the Head. The two former (food and raiment) are here alluded to in a spiritual sense, by "nourisheth and cherisheth"; the third "duty of marriage" is not added in consonance with the holy propriety of Scripture language: its antitype is, "know the Lord" ( Hosea 2:19 Hosea 2:20 ) [BENGEL]. Ce n’est pas seulement une obligation, mais aussi un privilège merveilleux. Nous sommes très facilement victimes du sommeil spirituel, tellement les influences du monde sont soporifiques. unwise--a different Greek word from that in Ephesians 5:15 . ( Ephesians 6:9 .) However, IRENÆUS, 294, and the old Latin and Vulgate versions, with some good old manuscripts, have them. Dans ces sept unit s, on ... C est l explication des t n bres spirituelles grossi res qui remplissent la terre. Un chrétien n’est ni un fou, ni un plaisantin; ne paraissons donc pas tels dans nos conversations. L’évangile exhorte les croyants à être ce qu’ils sont. As we prove a coin by the eye and the ear, and by using it, so by accurate and continued study, and above all by practice and experimental trial, we may prove or test "what is acceptable unto the Lord." 5. this ye know--The oldest manuscripts read, "Of this ye are sure knowing"; or as ALFORD, "This ye know being aware." . . John 12:24 , John 19:34 John 19:35 , to which Ephesians 5:25-27 allude, as implying atonement by His blood, and sanctification by the "water," answering to that which flowed from His side (compare also John 7:38 John 7:39 , 1 Corinthians 6:11 ). Therefore--Translate, as Greek, "But," or "Nevertheless," that is, though there be the difference of headships mentioned in Ephesians 5:23 , nevertheless, thus far they are one, namely, in the subjection or submission (the same Greek stands for "is subject," as for "submit," Ephesians 5:21 Ephesians 5:22 ) of the Church to Christ, being the prototype of that of the wife to the husband. The visible Church now contains clean and unclean together, like Noah's ark; like the wedding room which contained some that had, and others that had not, the wedding garment ( Matthew 22:10-14 ; compare 2 Timothy 2:20 ); or as the good and bad fish are taken in the same net because it cannot discern the bad from the good, the fishermen being unable to know what kind of fish the nets have taken under the waves. Salem Media Group. View more titles. Covetousness is worship of the creature instead of the Creator, the highest treason against the King of kings ( 1 Samuel 15:3 , Matthew 6:24 , Philippians 3:19 , 1 John 2:15 ). So AUGUSTINE [Tract 80, in John], "Take away the word, and what is the water save water? The Church's relation to Christ in His everlasting purpose, is the foundation and archetype of the three greatest of earthly relations, that of husband and wife ( Ephesians 5:22-33 ), parent and child ( Ephesians 6:1-4 ), master and servant ( Ephesians 6:4-9 ). Il est assez clair, dans l’ordre de choses établi divinement pour ce monde, que la place attribuée à l’épouse est celle de la soumission. C’est pourquoi, moins nous avons à faire avec les ténèbres, mieux ce sera — que ce soit en rapport avec les pratiques de ténèbres, ou en rapport avec les personnes qui sont elles-mêmes ténèbres, et qui par conséquent les pratiquent. Ephesians 5:1 children following. rather, &c.--Translate as Greek, "rather even reprove them" (compare Matthew 5:14-16 ). To be joined with "cleansing it," or "her." Le dernier verset du chapitre 4 nous impose l’obligation de bonté et de pardon envers tous les saints les uns par rapport aux autres, du fait que nous avons été pardonnés par Dieu à cause de Christ. we bring to practice [5]. He shall again leave His Father's abode to consummate the union ( Matthew 25:1-10 , Revelation 19:7 ). Ephésiens il manque également les mots clés principaux de l'enseignement de la justification Paulienne. L’initiative est effectivement venue de Lui, et Il l’a prise d’une manière tout à fait merveilleuse. The emphasis is on "were." Read Ephesians 5 online (NIV) Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children. "Cleansing" is the necessary preliminary to both. The hierarchical terms used so constantly later … Ephesians 5:11-12 - ESV. rather giving of thanks--a happy play on sounds in Greek, "eucharistia" contrasted with "eutrapelia"; refined "jesting" and subtle humor sometimes offend the tender feelings of grace; "giving of thanks" gives that real cheerfulness of spirit to believers which the worldly try to get from "jesting" ( Ephesians 5:19 Ephesians 5:20 , 5:13 ). Néanmoins, bien sûr, il peut y avoir de nombreuses occasions où des paroles de répréhension sont nécessaires. Non seulement nous avons été pardonnés, mais nous avons été introduits dans la famille divine. Notons soigneusement ceci car c’est une des caractéristiques des exhortations de l’évangile. For no bound is more sovereign in binding than such bonds, especially in the case of husband and wife. Il en fut ainsi au degré suprême, pour notre Seigneur et Maître. Il ne fallait pas s’y tromper, car il y avait évidemment, alors comme maintenant, ceux qui désiraient brouiller cette distinction tranchée, et excuser l’impiété. Christ will never allow any power to sever Himself and His bride, indissolubly joined ( Matthew 19:6 , John 10:28 John 10:29 , 13:1 ). Si nous dormons parmi les morts, nous leur serons semblables. On peut résumer la vie du croyant en ce qu’elle consiste à produire les fruits de la lumière, puisqu’il est un enfant de la lumière, tout en maintenant une séparation complète d’avec les œuvres infructueuses des ténèbres, car il ne fait plus partie des ténèbres. Les ennuis commencent quand la sainteté est maintenue, et la sainteté, comme ces versets le montrent, demande qu’il n’y ait aucune communion avec le mal — ni avec ceux qui font le mal (5:7), ni avec leurs œuvres (5:11). Translate, as Greek, "Do ye also (as Christ does) severally each one so love," &c. The words, "severally each one," refer to them in their individual capacity, contrasted with the previous collective view of the members of the Church as the bride of Christ. Paul himself had forsaken all for Christ ( 2 Corinthians 6:10 , 11:27 ). Ephésiens 5:18-20 S21 Ne vous enivrez pas de vin: cela mène à la débauche. The relation of the Church to Christ is the ground of Christianity's having raised woman to her due place in the social scale, from which she was, and is, excluded in heathen lands. jesting--Greek, "eutrapelia"; found nowhere else in the New Testament: implying strictly that versatility which turns about and adapts itself, without regard to principle, to the shifting circumstances of the moment, and to the varying moods of those with whom it may deal. 1:5-6a. gave himself--Greek, "gave Himself up." Chacun de nous, qui avons cru l’évangile de notre salut, avons reçu le don de l’Esprit Saint, comme nous l’avons vu en considérant le chapitre 1. Le cœur est rempli de bonheur qui s’extériorise dans le chant. He is the archetype of the Church, from whom and according to whom, as the pattern, she is formed. Ils jouent à une séance de cour imaginaire. Greek, "Buying up for yourselves the seasonable time" (whenever it occurs) of good to yourselves and to others. Mais ce fait sert ici clairement de base au raisonnement. 26. sanctify--that is, consecrate her to God. Le remède béni de … Il en est presque toujours ainsi. Les devoirs mutuels entre mari et femme. Tant que la chair est tenue en échec et en inactivité, ce que nous sommes réellement comme l’ouvrage de Dieu brillera au dehors. Mais ni la grammaire ni l'analogie de ces passages ne sauraient trancher la question d'une manière certaine. Cela signifie qu’Il a le contrôle de tout. Adam's deep sleep, wherein Eve was formed from out of his opened side, is an emblem of Christ's death, which was the birth of the Spouse, the Church. "We are sons of men, when we do ill; sons of God, when we do well" [AUGUSTINE, on Psalm 52]; (compare Matthew 5:44 Matthew 5:45 Matthew 5:48 ). Compare John 17:19 , meaning, "I devote Myself as a holy sacrifice, that My disciples also may be devoted or consecrated as holy in (through) the truth" [NEANDER] ( Hebrews 2:11 , 10:10 , 13:12 and cleanse--rather, as Greek, "cleansing," without the "and." Awake--The reading of all the oldest manuscripts is "Up!" 2.3 - Ch. Seeing that light (spiritual) dispels the pre-existing darkness, He (God) saith . or, "Rouse thee!" Nevertheless--not to pursue further the mystical meaning of marriage. He speaks of baptism according to its high ideal and design, as if the inward grace accompanied the outward rite; hence he asserts of outward baptism whatever is involved in a believing appropriation of the divine truths it symbolizes, and says that Christ, by baptism, has purified the Church [NEANDER] ( 1 Peter 3:21 ). Cela implique que la chair, avec ses tendances, est encore dans le croyant. Ceci est rendu encore plus évident par le troisième point que nous soulignons. Is as sure as if already come. 18. excess--worthless, ruinous, reckless prodigality. 4,11ff., il est questions des dons donné aux hommes par Christ, contrairement à 1.Cor. Nous devons être en pratique, ce que nous sommes en réalité. 12 ou on ne parle que des charismes de l'instruction et de la conduite . Les gens ne font généralement pas tellement d’objections au côté de bonté du christianisme: ils approuvent les paroles et actions bienveillantes. Cette lettre ne décrit plus la structure charismatiques de l'église (communauté). Tous droits réservés - Solution web. En cela Il est seul, bien sûr, bien que nous ayons à aimer comme Lui a aimé. Quand la femme, la femme même de Christ, met de côté l’autorité de son propre mari, des troubles similaires s’ensuivent. Pour ceci, comme pour tout ce qui nous est commandé ici, nous devons être remplis de l’Esprit. 27. he--The oldest manuscripts and authorities read, "That He might Himself present unto Himself the Church glorious," namely, as a bride ( 2 Corinthians 11:2 ). Redeeming the time--( Colossians 4:5 ). $17.90 Free Shipping. Translate, "foolish," or "senseless." Ephesians 5:1 - ESV. La femme peut alléguer qu’elle a un mari affreux et incompétent! Notre soumission l’un à l’autre ne doit pas se faire aux dépens d’une vraie soumission au Seigneur. et la femme doit révérer son mari. The Greek order is, "For the things done in secret by them, it is a shame even to speak of." Holiness and glory are inseparable. Explication De L'épitre De Saint Paul Aux Ephésiens | Monod, Adolphe | ISBN: | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. "Thou hast seen the measure of obedience; now hear also the measure of love. . covetous . Combien souvent, apr s que l vangile a t pr ch tr s clairement, n entendons-nous pas des gens exprimer leur tonnement que les personnes inconverties l aient tout cout sans qu aucun rayon de lumi re ne soit entr dans leurs c urs. Dans Eph. 3 Mais que ni la fornication, ni aucune forme d'impureté ou d'avidité ne soient même mentionnées parmi vous, comme il convient à des saints, . 19. "Have no fellowship," does not imply that we can avoid all intercourse ( 1 Corinthians 5:10 ), but "avoid such fellowship as will defile yourselves"; just as light, though it touch filth, is not soiled by it; nay, as light detects it, so, "even reprove sin. Les profanes sont en dehors de ce royaume, et sujets à la colère de Dieu. As Adam gave Eve a new name, Hebrew, "Isha," "woman," formed from his own rib, Ish, "man," signifying her formation from him, so Christ, Revelation 2:17 , 3:12 . The best reading may be translated, That is to say, literally, which is (in other words) an idolater. EXPLICATION DE L' ÉPÎTRE AUX ÉPHÉSIENS. Wherefore--referring to the whole foregoing argument ( Ephesians 5:8 Ephesians 5:11 Ephesians 5:13 ). why it is necessary. 5 having foreordained us unto adoption as sons through Jesus Christ unto himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, 6 to the praise of the glory of his grace, which he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved: 7 in whom we have our redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, for it--Translate, "for her." Their only fruit is that which is not in a true sense fruit ( Deuteronomy 32:32 ), namely, "death" ( Romans 6:21 , Galatians 6:8 ). Il est significatif que dans l’AT l’expression « sans défaut » ( amômos en grec) s’appliquait aux … the Lord--The oldest manuscripts read, "Christ." Besides, there are many special evil days (in persecution, sickness, &c.). The oldest manuscripts omit "submit yourselves"; supplying it from Ephesians 5:21 , "Ye wives (submitting yourselves) unto your own husbands." children--rather, "sons of disobedience" ( Ephesians 2:2 Ephesians 2:3 ). Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Top picked items. The Lord's will, ultimately, is our "sanctification" ( 1 Thessalonians 4:3 ); and that "in every thing," meantime, we should "give thanks" ( 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ; compare above, Ephesians 5:10 ). The husband is not saviour of the wife, in which particular Christ excels; hence, "But" ( Ephesians 5:24 ) follows [BENGEL]. Ces choses ne doivent donc avoir aucune place parmi les saints, et elles ne doivent même pas être nommées parmi eux. Nous aurions été déjà très heureux si, sauvés de nos péchés, il nous avait été attribué une place parmi Ses serviteurs. Still the Church is termed "holy" in the creed, in reference to her ideal and ultimate destination. Proving--construed with "walk" ( Ephesians 5:8 , Romans 12:1 Romans 12:2 ). not as fools--Greek, "not as unwise, but as wise.". For--Supply, and we all love ourselves: "For no man," &c. his own flesh--( Ephesians 5:31 , end). Elle n’est pas fondée sur ce que vont faire l’Église ou une quelconque association, car notre espérance c’est Christ. De là vient la confusion dans les milieux ecclésiastiques, si évidente partout. En pratique, tout au long des siècles, l’église (comme corps professant) s’est bien éloignée de sa vraie position. La présentation de l’assemblée rendue parfaite aura lieu dans la gloire future. wherein--not in the wine itself when used aright ( 1 Timothy 5:23 ), but in the "excess" as to it. "Your own" is an argument for submissiveness on the part of the wives; it is not a stranger, but your own husbands whom you are called on to submit unto (compare Genesis 3:16 , 1 Corinthians 7:2 , 14:34 , Colossians 3:18 , Titus 2:5 , 1 Peter 3:1-7 ). 23. The children of unbelief in doctrine ( Deuteronomy 32:20 ) are "children of disobedience" in practice, and these again are "children of wrath.". Mais c’est différent d’être rempli de l’Esprit, et la responsabilité d’être rempli de l’Esprit nous incombe. with the washing of water--rather as Greek, "with," or "by the laver of the water," namely, the baptismal water. Believers are called on to "awake" out of sleep; unbelievers, to "arise" from the dead (compare Matthew 25:5 , Romans 13:11 , 1 Thessalonians 5:6 , with Ephesians 2:1 ). "Uncleanness" and "covetousness" are taken up again from Ephesians 4:19 . Buying off from the vanities of "them that are without" ( Colossians 4:5 ), and of the "unwise" (here in Ephesians), the opportune time afforded to you for the work of God. Beaucoup de choses «inoffensives» sont à éliminer de ma vie et de la vôtre si nous voulons être remplis de l’Esprit. Christ--"the true light," "the Sun of righteousness." of Christ and of God--rather, as one Greek article is applied to both, "of Christ and God," implying their perfect oneness, which is consistent only with the doctrine that Christ is God (compare 2 Thessalonians 1:12 , 1 Timothy 5:21 , 6:13 ). Marchant ainsi en enfants de lumière, nous éprouvons ce qui plaît à Dieu; nous l’éprouvons non par un processus de raisonnement, mais par une expérience pratique. Deuxièmement, la pensée du corps est introduite ici, car il est parlé de nous qui constituons l’assemblée comme des «membres de Son corps». hath--The present implies the fixedness of the exclusion, grounded on the eternal verities of that kingdom [ALFORD]. La lumière et les ténèbres s’excluent réciproquement. La lumière et les ténèbres ne peuvent pas coexister. Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. Tout comme Christ est «le Chef [ou: Tête] de l’assemblée», étant investi de toute autorité, et de tout capacité et de toute puissance pour diriger, de même le mari est «le chef [ou: tête] de la femme». See how ye are walking, with a view to your being circumspect (literally, accurate, exact) in your walk. Thus the "for" expresses this, Reprove them, for to speak of them without reproving them, is a shame ( Ephesians 5:3 ). 30. The laver of baptism is the vehicle, but the word is the nobler and true instrument of the cleansing [BENGEL]. Ephesians 5:1-33 . "I, while I quote these words out of Scripture, use them in a higher sense" [CONYBEARE and HOWSON]. followers--Greek, "imitators" of God, in respect to "love" ( Ephesians 5:2 ): God's essential character ( 1 John 4:16 ). The Greek expresses, "Being formed out of" or "of the substance of His flesh." Les adorateurs de cette prétendue déesse poussaient la superstition à ce point que, son temple ayant été brûlé, ils tin rent secret le nom de l'incendiaire. Or Ève était la femme d’Adam, mais elle était aussi son corps, ayant été formée à partir d’une côte d’Adam. Hélas! 16. . The husband stands to the wife in the relation that the Lord does to the Church, and this is to be the ground of her submission: though that submission is inferior in kind and degree to that which she owes Christ ( Ephesians 5:24 ). 33. Le verset 5 fait un pas de plus. EXHORTATIONS TO LOVE: AND AGAINST CARNAL LUSTS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Il était le vrai holocauste, l’antitype de Lévitique 1. Marcher dans l’amour, c’est donc simplement manifester pratiquement la nature divine. foolish talking--the talk of fools, which is folly and sin together. 146 • Shalom H. Schwartz. Éphésiens 4:1-7 Je vous exhorte donc, moi, le prisonnier dans le Seigneur, à marcher d'une manière digne de la vocation qui vous a été adressée, en toute humilité et douceur, avec patience, vous supportant les uns les autres avec charité, Read verse in Louis Segond 1910 (French) Here he passes from our relations to God, to those which concern our fellow men. 5:5). Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Hence soon arose the antiphonal or responsive chanting of which PLINY writes to Trajan: "They are wont on a fixed day to meet before daylight [to avoid persecution] and to recite a hymn among themselves by turns, to Christ, as if being God." De plus Il a entrepris sa sanctification pratique, et sa purification, et Il se la présentera finalement à Lui-même en gloire dans une perfection qui Lui correspond parfaitement. 25. The true reading is that of the oldest manuscripts, "The fruit of THE LIGHT"; in contrast with "the unfruitful works of darkness" ( Ephesians 5:11 ). L’homme qui a bu trop de vin est transporté hors de lui-même d’une manière qui est totalement mauvaise. Nous sommes appelés à nous réveiller, et à nous lever pour être dans la lumière du soleil de Christ. Soyez au contraire remplis de l'Esprit: dites-vous des psaumes, des hymnes et des cantiques spirituels; chantez et célébrez de tout votre cœur les louanges du Seigneur; remerciez constamment Dieu le Père pour tout, au nom de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ "Nourisheth," refers to food and internal sustenance; "cherisheth," to clothing and external fostering. . Nous ne devons pas seulement éviter les péchés, mais aussi éviter toute participation avec les pécheurs. La propriété spécifique de la lumière est de manifester tout ce qu’elle éclaire. loved us--From the love of the Father he passes to the love of the Son, in whom God most endearingly manifests His love to us. In Colossians 3:8 , "filthy communication" refers to the foulness; "foolish talking," to the folly; "jesting," to the false refinement (and trifling witticism [TITTMANN]) Of discourse unseasoned with the salt of grace [TRENCH]. 15. that--rather as Greek, "See how ye walk," &c. The double idea is compressed into one sentence: "See (take heed) how ye walk," and "See that ye walk circumspectly." It is not our bones and flesh, but "we" that are spiritually propagated (in our soul and spirit now, and in the body hereafter, regenerated) from the manhood of Christ which has flesh and bones. Le verset 9 explique que ce qui brillera au dehors, c’est «le fruit de la lumière» (et non «le fruit de l’Esprit» selon le Texte Reçu). "Speak of," I think, is used here as "speaking of without reproving," in contrast to "even reprove them." even as--Translate, "even as also." Bientôt des amis sourient en voyant à quel point il ressemble à son père. Les fruits qui découlent du fait d’être remplis de l’Esprit se trouvent aux versets 19 à 21. The word "Christ," shows that in quoting the prophecy, he views it in the light thrown on it by its Gospel fulfilment. in--in union with the Lord, who is THE LIGHT. L’imitation qui nous est prescrite n’est pas artificielle, mais naturelle. 5. this ye know--The oldest manuscripts read, "Of this ye are sure knowing"; or as ALFORD, "This ye know being aware." sometimes--"once." The contrast is between the heathen and the Christian practice, "Let your songs be not the drinking songs of heathen feasts, but psalms and hymns; and their accompaniment, not the music of the lyre, but the melody of the heart" [CONYBEARE and HOWSON]. idolater--( Colossians 3:5). when the Christian is laid by in silence; therefore he needs the more to improve the seasonable times afforded to him ( Amos 5:13 ), which Paul perhaps alludes to. Quand nous nous tournons de la responsabilité qui repose sur les épaules du mari, qui est le type, vers l’antitype qui, comme toujours, est vu en Christ, nous nous trouvons en présence de la perfection.

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